The Southern Cross, a
constellation in the Southern Hemisphere, was used by the ancient European explorers of
the New World as their navigational point that steered them on their journeys across the
high seas. Though it is the smallest of the constellations, the Southern Cross stands out
from the rest as it represented the guiding light of Jesus to those ancient travelers who
saw the sign of the cross in the sky as a symbol of blessing for their efforts to
bring Christianity to new lands.
And so today, we look to the cross of Jesus as the only way to salvation and the foundation of our message to the entire world. The exploits of the early European explorers were never easy and the cross in the sky served as a reminder of the heavy responsibilities and sufferings that accompany those who serve Christ even as He suffered on the cross.
Many today suffer at the hands of
persecution even as the gospel continues to be spread through missionary
work throughout the world. One glaring example is the efforts of the Empart missionary program that trains
Indian nationals to plant churches throughout Northern India and Nepal. These visionaries
are sent out into the field with an education, $150/month, a bike, bibles and musical
instruments to enter this forsaken country where very few have even heard of Jesus. Though
thousands are being saved each day these young pastor's lives are at risk for the sake of
the Gospel. Even as their village was being burned down by those who hate Jesus, an Indian
pastor and his brother ran back to recover their bibles which they had left behind. Though
the pastor escaped alive, his brother was captured and killed. One has to wonder how many
of us today would do as these two did to give our lives for the sake of God's Word?
Located in Bakersfield, CA, the members of the Southern Cross Band have
dedicated their music to spread the Gospel regardless of the cost. While
focusing on praising our mighty King, Southern Cross has been captivated by the charge of
the Great Commission to bring lost and lonely souls to the Lord.
The idea for the band came out of the head of guitarist, songwriter Odie Crabtree. It was one evening in December of 2009 that Odie visited Don and Vanessa Wigton at their house with guitar in hand to play some of the tunes that he had written. Even as he picked and sang to "I Wasn't There" Vanessa, listening from the kitchen, made her way into the living room to take in the beautiful sounds that were enveloping the room. She was sold and a band was born. . .that is a band of three people.
The next thing you know, inspired by Odie's music room, Don found himself purchasing a ProTools studio while Odie was busily bringing over just about every piece of equipment that he owned. And so, with Odie singing while playing any stringed instrument that he could get his hands on, Don singing with his guitar and keyboards, and Vanessa filling the room with her inspiring voice, the making of a CD was on its way.
With Don and Odie writing so many country/rock songs, the group decided that they needed a girl with an edgy rock voice. Vanessa contacted, Sarah Shoop, an old friend from work, and suddenly the vocals took on a whole new flavor. And it so happened that Sarah's fiancé, Nate Hendrick, played drums. How handy is that!
So that's what the Southern Cross Band is about. Currently they are leading praise at Canyon Hills in Bakersfield, CA but are available to play in your venue. Check out their music, see if it works out for you and then get in touch. The Southern Cross Band would be excited about the possibility of ministering with you for the sake of the lost.